Using with actix-web
Learn how to set up with the actix-web framework.
Configure client-side Highlight. (optional)
If you're using Highlight on the frontend for your application, make sure you've initialized it correctly and followed the fullstack mapping guide.
Install the Highlight Rust actix SDK.
Add Highlight to your Config.toml.
highlightio-actix = "1"
Initialize the Highlight Rust SDK and actix Middleware.
initializes the SDK, and adding the highlightio_actix::HighlightActix
middleware will start tracing actix.
use actix_web::{App, Error, HttpServer};
use highlightio_actix::{highlight::{Highlight, HighlightConfig}, HighlightActix};
// ...your services...
async fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {
let h = Highlight::init(HighlightConfig {
project_id: "<YOUR_PROJECT_ID>".to_string(),
service_name: "my-rust-app".to_string(),
service_version: "git-sha".to_string(),
}).expect("Failed to initialize");
let _h = h.clone();
HttpServer::new(move || {
// ...
Verify your errors are being recorded.
Now that you've set everything up, you can verify that the backend error handling works by throwing an error in a service. Visit the highlight errors page and check that backend errors are coming in.
// ...
async fn error() -> Result<impl Responder, std::io::Error> {
"Test error"
Ok(format!("You shouldn't be able to see this."))
// ...
async fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {
// ...
HttpServer::new(move || {
.service(error) // add this
// ...
Install the log crate.
Highlight works with the log crate to make logging easier.
log = "0.4"
Call the logging facades.
Highlight::init automatically installs a logging backend, so you can call any of the log crate's macros to emit logs. NOTE: env_logger only logs errors to the console out by default, so to see your logs, run your project with the RUST_LOG=<crate name>
environment variable, or RUST_LOG=trace
to see everything.
use log::{trace, debug, info, warn, error};
// ...
async fn index() -> impl Responder {
info!("Hello, world! Greet endpoint called.");
format!("Hello, world!")
Verify your backend logs are being recorded.
Visit the highlight logs portal and check that backend logs are coming in.
Add the tracing crate to your project.
The tracing crate allows you and your dependencies to record traces that will be automatically captured by the SDK.
tracing = "0.1"
Record a trace.
Use the tracing crate to create spans and events. You can read more about this on the page of the tracing crate.
use tracing::{event, span, Level};
// ...
let span = span!(Level::INFO, "my_span");
let _guard = span.enter();
event!(Level::DEBUG, "something happened inside my_span");
Verify your backend traces are being recorded.
Visit the highlight traces portal and check that backend traces are coming in.