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SQL Editor

The SQL editor lets you write custom SELECT queries to retrieve your data and aggregate it in useful ways. This is an alternative to the query builder, useful when you need to do more complex transformations to your data. The output is displayed in the same charts and tables supported by the query builder.

SQL editor

ClickHouse SQL metadata is stored in ClickHouse, and the SQL editor supports the ClickHouse SQL dialect. For questions about supported syntax or functions, you can check out the ClickHouse docs.

Time series data

We added a built-in macro $time_interval(<duration>) to make time series queries easier to write. On our backend, this macro expands to toStartOfInterval(Timestamp, <duration>). You can use this macro to group results by their timestamp. For example, returning a count for every hour:

SELECT $time_interval('1 hour'), count() FROM logs WHERE service_name='prod' GROUP BY 1

For more details, you can read about the toStartOfInterval function in the ClickHouse docs.

Date range filtering

The dashboard's date range is applied as a filter to all SQL queries. For example, if your graph uses SELECT count() FROM logs and the dashboard's filter is Last 4 hours, your result will only include logs within the last 4 hours. A WHERE clause will filter in addition to the date range filter and will not include results outside the 4 hour range. Graphs will be updated dynamically whenever the dashboard's date range is updated.

Multiple series

To display multiple series, you can include multiple select expressions. For example, graphing an hourly count and average duration of all traces:

SELECT $time_interval('1 hour'), count(), avg(duration) FROM traces GROUP BY 1

Querying custom fields

Behind the scenes, we transform your SQL to simplify queries over our schema. Custom fields and metadata can be recorded with all logs, traces, sessions, and errors. This data is stored without any type metadata on our backend - for numeric aggregations, you should first convert it to the appropriate type. For example, if your application records a custom integer field to record how many items are in a user's shopping cart:

SELECT email, avg(toInt64(cart_size)) FROM sessions GROUP BY 1 ORDER BY 2 DESC LIMIT 100

Column aliases

If you want your data to be graphed with custom labels, you can alias the appropriate expressions. For example:

SELECT uniqExact(email) as "User Count" FROM sessions


Currently, the SQL editor is restricted to a single SELECT query - this will be relaxed in the near future to support nested SELECT queries, UNION queries, and common table expressions.